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"Long Diagnosis"

A review of Sue Nicholls Centre by Bev Grantham written on Friday 18th of November 2022


Few years back (1990s) took me 5-6 long years to get my son diagnosed with ADHD, and he went on the right road, behaved and concentrated at Grange School now works hard for Green Retreats! Lovely home and kids! Thanks to Dr Nagraj who worked with my son for months! Dr Nagraj often praised me for keep going for years and being a good mum! So anyone despairing 😩 don’t give up! Thanks to me mostly my son is the man that he is to his partner! If I had given in, dread to think where he would be now! Miracles do happen and Ritalin did help in this case! Thanks for reading from a very tired mum!.

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Sue Nicholls Centre

Map showing Sue Nicholls Centre on Bierton Road